CHI-Ministries is committed to serving the global church. It is our delight and privilege to come alongside and provide consultative advice, biblical teaching and training to leaders, churches, mission and ministry organisations in a variety of cross-denominational settings locally, nationally and globally.
We also seek to empower believers through our online Vocations 4Life program. Through this program we have seen hundreds of men and women, both young and old, find that place where their dreams and God’s intersect.
CHI Ministries have a long history in being at the forefront of a number of local, national and international prayer initiatives.
We are committed to partner with the Australian Prayer Network, the Watchmen School of Intercession Program.
We also work closely with other like-minded international networks of prayer and regularly take teams to pray in the nations.
CHI Ministries is passionate about making the Lord’s last command our first priority; “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20 E.S.V)
Over several decades we have engaged with this mandate in various global cultural settings which has included training, consulting, compassion work and financial support.
Empowering Change Locally and Globally
We Are Here To Serve You
At the heart of CHI-Ministries (CityHarvest International) is the ministry of Ben F. Gray and Jonathan Gould. Ben began this work in mid 90’s and is indebted to the involvement of a team of friends who, over this time, have served the dream and developed a variety of local, national and international initiatives that have greatly impacted thousands. These initiatives, and strategic partnerships, have enabled the ministry to do its small part in helping the church become the salt, leaven and light of God’s grace and truth locally and around the globe.
Ben’s extensive background in ministry across denominational lines; his pastoral and leadership roles in local churches; his national and international ministry positions, including experience in the marketplace and his involvement in missions enable him to speak and minister on a wide range of topics.
As a Ministry, we are here to serve. In this we work closely with other like-minded networks, coalitions and partners to empower and equip the Body of Christ in the nations. To discuss further any of the above contact us through our website.