“We are dedicated to helping you find your purpose and calling in life.”
We’ve all asked ourselves, “What is my calling in life?”
You may be young and short on experience, or older and feeling unfulfilled, or maybe you just think there is more to your life than you’ve yet been able to express. Here at Vocations 4Life we want to help you discover God’s plan for your life and His divine purpose in creating you. We believe that you are special, unique in fact, and that you can make a difference.
Our online program will help you look within to discover your God-given gifts, abilities, your driving motivations, disposition and life-work capabilities. We were not made to be the same, but each of us has been fashioned for a special role within our communities.
Vocations 4Life has helped many people like you find their calling and vocation in life. Your Christian calling and vocation is bigger than any particular career, work, job or occupation. It is an ‘all-of-life’ expression of how you are made in the image of God.
The program was developed by Pastor Ben F. Gray to help release his Church into their ‘all-of- life’ callings and is rooted in a thorough biblical framework.
We have made it available globally online since 2011. It has now helped hundreds of people across the globe discover their vocation.
Our 30 day money-back satisfaction guarantee means that if you are not satisfied with our service after completing your consultation, within 30 days of purchase we will refund you in full.
We understand that we are pioneering something new in offering an online Christian program, so please don’t hesitate to ask us anything! We’re happy to help explain how it works.
Jesus died to give us Life to the fullest. That Life begins now!
Nobody else can fulfill your calling.
It’s about the Father’s NATURE in you, your PURPOSE in Christ and the Spirit’s POWER at work through you.
Has The Potential to Change Your Life
- Maybe Vocations 4Life will just confirm what you already know. Great!
- Several people have said that it gives them words to express who they are.
- Many participants have found peace in owning what makes them different.
- For some, Vocations 4Life brings about a complete change of direction.
- For others, it has helped them better understand the people around them.
- Knowing God and knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom.
Contents, Foreword, Introduction and First Chapter available here
Let’s See What Those Who Have Done It Have To Say?
“I highly recommend Vocations 4Life to all because since doing the program I have developed a peace within about who I am, where I’m going and what I’m doing with my life.”
John, Sydney
“Vocations 4Life was very encouraging, reassuring and exciting in breaking down my gifts; however the standout area for me was the personal consultation which allowed a space for me to openly share and then to rediscover God’s call for me through a new and clearer perspective.”
Jess, Detroit
“I highly recommend Vocations 4Life to others. The material taught was wonderful and clear, speaking straight to my heart with great clarification of the various gifts from the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The accuracy of the profiles were amazing.”
Michael, Auckland
“I highly recommend it. In personally participating in the program I have found it to be insightful, accurate, realistic, inspiring, motivational and relational.”
Ric, Queensland
Discover Your Vocation Online Program available for AUD$119
That’s the full package including a 40 – 45 minute one-to-one consultation! With our 30 day money-back guarantee, why not give it a go?