Leadership Training Event & Prayer Conference – South Africa.
Prime Ministers Prayer Breakfast and the National Launch of the Melanesian House of Prayer – South Pacific.
Prayer Journey: culminating in a Concert of Prayer in the city centre square of Santiago de Compostela – Spain.
Armenian Prayer Initiative: Concert of Prayer and Training – Armenia
Vanuatu (Espritu Santo) – 14th May 2006 – 400
years Commemoration Gathering.
Official gathering of over 3000 people with representatives from the government of Spain (representing de Queriós), President of Vanuatu and his officials, and national, regional and international Christian leaders.
Vanuatu (Espritu Santo) 400 Years – Southlands Celebration to commemorate the naming of the southlands of the South Pacific by Pedro Fernandes de Queirós of Spain, on 14th May 1606. ‘Terra Australis del Espiritu Santo’ – the Great South Lands of the Holy Spirit.
Ben – unveiling the memorial monument.
Gibraltar – Jerusalem: Prayer initiative at the Gateway to the ancient city of Fez, Morocco.
Australia National Solemn Assembly: where over 2000 people gathered from all over Australia for 3 days of prayer and fasting – Canberra.
Completion of the 7 year Gibraltar to Jerusalem Prayer Initiative – Jerusalem.
Healing of the Land & Prayer Assembly – South Pacific nation.
Celebration Ephesus – Concert of Prayer in the ruins of the old Amphitheatre & the 7 Churches Revelation Prayer Initiative.
Prayer Initative – Gibraltar.
21st Century OutThere: Australian National Apostolic Conference – Brisbane.
Prayer Journey – Silk road en route to Shykempt – Kazakhstan
Prayer Journey – Russia
Celebration Rome & the 7 Hills of Rome Prayer Journey – Praise gathering in the ruins of the old Circus Maximus
Prayer Journey – Turkey.
Training Seminars Asia, Africa and Oceania.
First International Watchmen Bootcamp – Israel.
100 year celebration of the Charge of the Australian Light Horse – Beersheba 2017.
Training Leaders in the Middle East.