The Promise of Vision
Causing Supernatural Growth
by Dr Stuart Robinson

As we search the scriptures, there are so many references and examples of what God wants to do within his church. However, comparatively, so often little of that seems to be happening. In that situation it is common to rationalise God’s promises down to explain or excuse our levelled ineffectiveness. The better course would be, by faith to lift our expectations up to what God’s Word declares should be so, to wait upon him for his vision for what he wants us to become and then to continue to wait upon him to discern how he wants us to proceed. This book is about “vision”, what it is, how we get it, what place it plays and how to implement it. It is a missing component in many Christians.
What others are saying
The Promise Of Vision is a spiritual catalyst, ready and waiting to set off faith explosions in believers. This book offers hope and an unforgettable challenge. In a practical fashion, it also lays out key steps of bringing a God-given vision to glorious birth.
Rev. Dr MARK DURIE, Senior Minister, St Mary’s Anglican Church, Caulfield – Melbourne
The Promise Of Vision is a very readable book. It will create a new climate in many churches that results in more people experiencing Kingdom sized visions and dreams.
MURRAY ROBERTSON, Senior Pastor, Spreydon Baptist Church – Christchurch
Some people see things as they are and ask Why? Stuart Robinson is one of those visionaries who sees things as they could be and asks Why not? He is a visionary dreamer who sees visions and dreams dreams. The Promise Of Vision will inspire and encourage you to become a visionary dreamer as well.
Rev. ALLAN WEBB, Minister at Large, OMF International – Sydney
The Promise Of Vision will help you to be a good listener to God’s voice. It will stretch your faith as you seek to follow His vision for you, to do far more than you can now see.
Rev. Dr IAN HAWLEY, Senior Pastor, Swanson St Church Of Christ – Melbourne
About the author
Dr Stuart Robinson is the Founding Pastor of Australia’s largest Baptist Church. Before that he worked for fourteen years in South Asia where he pioneered church planting among Muslims. He travels extensively as a speaker at Conferences. He is the author of eight books including best-selling titles, Mosques & Miracles, Defying Death and The Prayer of Obedience. He graduated from four tertiary institutions. Stuart was born in Brisbane and is married to Margaret. They have three married children.