Prayer Power

by Dr Stuart Robinson


Prayer Power––Changing the World and You is a tour de force about the power of prayer. It will leave you challenged, stirred, and inspired. The author shows how prayer is the key which unlocks the vaults of heaven. It is filled with extraordinary stories.

What others are saying

KARL FAASE, CEO, Olive Tree Media, Australia :
Prayer Power – Changing the World and You will leave you challenged, stirred and inspired for it clearly shows how prayer is the key which unlocks the vaults of heaven. It is filled with extraordinary stories drawn from years of the author’s and others’ personal experience. Each chapter takes you on a journey of prayer that culminates in our hope for Glory – the desperate need for Revival.

Prayer Power – Changing the World and You is a tour de force across history, the globe, the Bible and the author’s personal experiences that will challenge your prayer life. If this book does not drive you to prayer, it can only be because you did not read it thoroughly.

BRIAN PICKERING, National Coordinator, Australian Prayer Network:
An easy-to-read book with stories which bring the power and experience of prayer to life. If ever you doubted the power of prayer this book will convince you of its reality.

GEORGE TAUBMANN, International Director, Shelter Now International, Germany :
Prayer Power–Changing the World and You is the best book I have read so far about prayer and its powerful effects. It covers so many important aspects of prayer. It is convincing and challenging. It will change your life.

IAN COLE, Founder, World Prayer Centre, England:
Prayer Power–Changing the World and You is a refreshing, stimulating, faith building and at times deeply challenging book. I would strongly recommend you read it carefully and prayerfully.

DR LIU XUANQING, Pastor, Shanghai Church, China:
This book is about the power of prayer, the explosive power which demands our utmost efforts to experience it. It inspired me and at the same time humbled me, as I heard Jesus speaking to me.

About the author

Dr Stuart Robinson is the Founding Pastor of Australia’s largest Baptist Church. Before that he worked for fourteen years in South Asia where he pioneered church planting among a previously very resistant majority people group. He travels extensively as a speaker at Seminars, Conferences and Colleges. He is the author of twelve books including best-selling titles, Mosques & Miracles, Defying Death, The Prayer of Obedience and The Challenge of Islam. He graduated from four tertiary institutions. Stuart was born in Brisbane Australia and is married to Margaret. They have three married children.


Primary classification: Prayer / Revival / Missions 
Other classification: Spiritual Growth
Language: English
Print ISBN & RRPs: 978-0-6485108-9-5 
USD$15.95, AUD$26.95, GBP12.95, EU14.95
eBook ISBN & RRPs: 978-0-6458782-0-2
USD$9.95, AUD$11.95
Publish date: Nov 2023
Edition number: 1
Pages: 270
Trim size: 5.5 x 8.5 in; 216 x 140 mm

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