Daring to Disciple

by Dr Stuart Robinson


We are sleep walking into oblivion unless there is a dramatic change.

Daring to Disciple reminds us of the biblical imperative of not merely calling for conversions, but more importantly to make disciples. The principles within the pages of this book have been demonstrated to be effective in all religio-cultural contexts. Their simplicity, adaptability and flexibility is their strength.

This insightful and convicting book is a clarion call to make disciples. If you want to change the world then read this book.

What others are saying

DALE STEPHENSON, Senior Pastor, Crossway Baptist Church – Australia: “If Christians around the world were to read this book and integrate the practices into their daily lives, the impact would be most profound.”

BOHUSLAV WOJNAR, Senior Pastor, AC Christian Center – Czech Republic: ”This book is more than a testimony, more than a textbook, more than instruction. It is a paradigm-changing book. I recommend it wholeheartedly.”

EDMUND CHAN, Covenant EFC Founder, Global Alliance Of Intentional Disciplemaking Churches – Singapore: “Wow! What an insightful and convicting book on making disciples! Stuart Robinson writes with clarity, courage and compassion. I highly recommend it!”

EDMUND CHAN, Covenant EFC Founder, Global Alliance Of Intentional Disciplemaking Churches – Singapore: “If ever we needed a book like this it is now. Daring To Disciple will cause you to re-examine your life and respond to the same call that Jesus gave two millennia ago, ‘Come follow me’. This is not a feel-good, self-help book. However, if you are spiritually hungry and want to change the world, read this book. I dare you.”

About the author

Dr Stuart Robinson is the Founding Pastor of Australia’s largest Baptist Church. Before that he worked for fourteen years in South Asia where he pioneered church planting among Muslims. He travels extensively as a speaker at Conferences. He is the author of eight books including best-selling titles, Mosques & Miracles, Defying Death and The Prayer of Obedience. He graduated from four tertiary institutions. Stuart was born in Brisbane and is married to Margaret. They have three married children.



Primary classification: Christian Living / Spiritual Growth / Missions 
Other classification: Christian Ministry
Language: English
Print ISBN & RRPs: 978-0648510833 
USD$12.95, AUD$16.95, GBP9.95, EU10.95
eBook ISBN & RRPs: 9780648510840
USD$9.99, AUD$9.99, GBP4.99, EU4.99
Publish date: Nov 2020
Edition number: 1
Pages: 144
Trim size: 5.5 x 8.5 in; 216 x 140 mm

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